Forensic research is essential in the fight against nuclear terrorism

Preventing nuclear and radiological terrorism is one of the most important themes of the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) which is held in Seoul on 26 and 27 March 2012. Well over 50 heads of government will be meeting to discuss ways of promoting global nuclear security. The CEO of the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, is a member of the Dutch delegation because the application of forensic techniques to combat nuclear terrorism is high on the institute's agenda.

One of the issues that the Netherlands will emphasise during the summit is the huge importance of forensic traces examination in the fight against nuclear terrorism. The use of forensic techniques such as DNA analysis and physical, chemical and digital techniques enables important information to be gathered about the nature and origin of nuclear or radiological material, preparatory activities and the suspects' places of residence and identities. Forensic methods are an essential instrument in the detection and prevention of nuclear and radiological incidents.

At the summit the Netherlands will stress the need for the exchange of international knowledge in the field of nuclear forensic research. A short video on the website shows the importance of international cooperation. With this in mind, the NFI has developed a digital knowledge platform on which experts can exchange knowledge and experience. This experts' platform is to be officially launched at the NSS.

Another focus at the NSS will be the importance of training and education. The NFI is to fulfil an active role in this regard. For example, in June 2012, it is going to organise a meeting of the International Technical Working Group (ITWG), a platform to promote international cooperation in the field of Nuclear Forensics.

As regards the development of forensic research in the field of nuclear security the NFI is cooperating closely with Interpol and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This cooperation is set to be continued in May 2012 on the basis of an agreement between the NFI and the IAEA.

In 2014 the third Nuclear Security Summit will be hosted by the Netherlands. The NSS is a joint initiative of the presidents of the United States and Russia.