Russian delegation visits the NFI

On Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September, a Russian delegation visited the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI).

During this visit, several subjects were discussed that were suitable for exploring a cooperation between the NFI and The Russian Federal Center of Forensic Science (RFCFS).

The visit to the NFI was a follow-up to the meeting between the two parties that was recently held in May, during the International Forum in Saint Petersburg. Employees of the Russian Embassy, the European and International Affairs Department (of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice), and employees of the RFCFS (Moscow) and the North Western Forensic Science Center (Saint Petersburg) discussed various themes with employees of the NFI during a round-table meeting.

The themes varied from quality assurance to the details of expert meetings for Russian forensic investigators to be organised by the NFI. The participants focused mainly on the method to improve operational processes by using the Lean Six Sigma methodology. In addition, the possibilities of wildlife forensics were discussed.

The NFI will soon submit the proposal to its Russian colleagues on the basis of which it will be possible to decide on the details of the cooperation.