First Forensic Governance programme a success

The first Forensic Governance Programme, organised by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), was worthwhile and timely. Participants from across Europe said the course gave them useful tools, insights and inspiration that will speed up the development of their organisations.

Development of the programme began two years ago after the NFI had gone through a process of deep transformation. “Our clients were becoming more demanding and public scrutiny was increasing. We realised that if we were to remain effective, efficient and trustworthy, our governance rather than our science had to evolve. We did, thereby changing the culture and functioning of the organisation,” says Tjark Tjin-a-Tsoi, NFI’s CEO. and chair designate of ENFSI (the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes).

Working closely with ENFSI, who got the European Union to financially support the programme, NFI built a programme around key issues facing forensic organisations.

The NFI is planning to run the second Forensic Governance programme in June 2014.